
Weak attachment to parents inhibits brains ability to fully experience pleasure.  How secure in your love your child feels in childhood predicts how hard he’ll have to work as an adult to feel good, to flourish emotionally.  “Early neurological pairing of threat and love creates an ambivalent attachment that inhibits healthy brain development.   Early stress (spanking, yelling, neglecting) creates neurological ambivalence in the child that endures throughout life.What does this mean?  It means that the mitigating influence of the parent is much more of a potential source of threat (as well as comfort) than any other source in the environment.  As parents, we are the emotional and neurological buffer to our children that promotes their future relational happiness.  Even a little hostility can hurt.”


Why “Pretend Play” Is Important.  Pretend play is stimulating and fun, and that’s reason enough to do it. But might it also bring out the best in kids?

Radiant Faith

Here are some links to resources to make your Valentines Day Catholic-centric!

The Roots of Valentines Day

Printable Catholic Valentines

Valentines Day FEAST Ideas!

Gentle Discipline

The Importance of Routines:  Week 6 in Jane Nelsen’s 52 weeks of positive discipline tools.

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