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parenting tips and faith ideas; commentary on parenting science; perspectives on faith and culture

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The 15 Promises of the Holy Rosary

The 15 Promises of the Holy Rosary

Tradition tells us that the Blessed Virgin Mary made fifteen promises to St. Dominic, which she extends to anyone who prays the Rosary, including our families. Here are her promises along with a brief explanation for both adults and children.

How to Start the Family Rosary

How to Start the Family Rosary

October is the Month of the Holy Rosary, so this is the perfect time to give the family Rosary a try. If you aren’t sure it’s for your family, in this article I explain the whys and the hows. Every family will be blessed by praying the Rosary together!

The Transfiguration by Raphael (Art to Contemplate)

The Transfiguration by Raphael (Art to Contemplate)

This Friday is the Feast of the Transfiguration, the day we recall one of the most significant events in Jesus’ life. Here is a beautiful painting of the Transfiguration by Raphael to contemplate and discuss with your children. I provide a suggested script for presenting the painting.

Breaking the Cycle of Generational Abuse: In Conversation with Erin McCole Cupp (Ep. 28)

Breaking the Cycle of Generational Abuse: In Conversation with Erin McCole Cupp (Ep. 28)

How can you raise emotionally healthy children when you didn’t have an ideal childhood? What if that childhood was filled with abuse or neglect? In today’s podcast episode, I’m joined by author Erin McCole Cupp as we explore these important questions.

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