Avoiding Distractions in Our Mothering: Tips from Pope Francis

I was stuck in traffic recently so I tuned into Catholic radio.  The radio show host was discussing some advice Pope Francis gives to nuns in his apostolic constitution Vultum Dei Quaerere (“Seeking the Face of God”): he warned them about the dangers of social media...

Wednesday Links

A few links to articles that can help us love more intentionally with our children! Love 10 Signs of Love by Darcia Narvaez.  An exquisite but brief exploration into the nature of real love.  “Love is … not a choice, or a dream, or a romantic novel. It’s a fact:...

Wednesday Links

Balance Depression During Pregnancy: How It May Impact Baby Brain Development.  “Children of depressed parents are at an increased risk of developing depression themselves, a combination of both genetic and environmental factors. These children also display...

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