Helping Kids Cope with “Failure”

Helping Kids Cope with “Failure”

Every child faces the disappointment of not doing as well as they hoped on a test or not placing in a competition. Some kids bounce back from these “failures” and even seem to learn something from them, while other kids become so down on themselves that...

The Anxious Child

An increasing number of children and teens are being diagnosed with anxiety issues. What is the reason for this trend and what can do we do to protect our kids from it? How Big a Problem Is Anxiety by Robert Leahy over at Psychology Today.  “The average high...

Wednesday Links: Bullying (What Every Parent Should Know)

Bullying 101 What is bullying? Here defines bullying as “unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.”...

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