The Anxious Child

An increasing number of children and teens are being diagnosed with anxiety issues. What is the reason for this trend and what can do we do to protect our kids from it? How Big a Problem Is Anxiety by Robert Leahy over at Psychology Today.  “The average high...


LOVE Breastfeeding reduces risk of childhood leukemia.  A study from the JAMA Pediatrics concluded that breastfeeding for 6 months or longer reduces a child’s risk of leukemia by nearly 20 percent.  “The authors suggest several biological mechanisms of...


In this edition of Wednesday links, here are some links that offer tips on getting kids to do their chores and that explain why doing chores is very good for our kids. MY TOP PICK:  Here is a very clear 3-Part Series on chores from The Center for Parenting Education...

Wednesday Links

Love 7 Research-Based Ways to Increase Your Joy by Dr. Greg Popcak.   “People have a lot of ideas about what it takes to be happy, but these research-based ideas reveal the truth about how we were made to live.  As our Christian tradition teaches, happiness...

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