Wednesday Links

Love Love Starts with Babies by Darcia Narvaez, PhD.  “The way that caregivers love baby is the way baby will learn deep in their heart to love others. A supported, kept-calm baby will develop a sense of confidence and trust toward others.”  Yes! Radiant...

Wednesday Links

Love Weak attachment to parents inhibits brains ability to fully experience pleasure.  How secure in your love your child feels in childhood predicts how hard he’ll have to work as an adult to feel good, to flourish emotionally.  “Early neurological...

Wednesday Links

Each week (or so) I will publish links to resources and articles that might helpful in living out the 7 Building Blocks to a Joyful Catholic Home.  Here are some links for this week: Love, Empathy, Gentle Discipline Bedtime for Toddlers:  Timing Is Everything. ...

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