“The Anchor and Maze”
“Hope we have as an anchor for the soul, sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil.”
-Hebrews 6:19
What It’s About
“The Anchor and Maze” explores two connected ideas:
1. We are meant to be our children’s emotional anchors, providing them with stability and safety when the waters of life become rough. The anchor is also an ancient Christian symbol of hope. As Christian parents, Christ is our enduring symbol of hope in the storms of life.
2. At the same time, parenting often feels like a confusing maze! Sometimes we are walking blind, bumping into obstacles, struggling to find our way. We recognize that what we’re doing isn’t working, so we have to reconsider our assumptions about what our children need and our vision of how we get there.
This is a fundamental tension we face as Catholic parents. We must lead our children toward emotional, social, and spiritual maturity despite our limitations. Fortunately, when God is our anchor, he leads us through the maze when we’re stuck.

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