Some links about the importance of play for a child’s well-being and development:
Early Academic Training Produces Long-Term Harm: this author cautions parents about academic pressure in preschool and kindergarten.
The effects of play on the learning brain: If you agree with the above author that children should not be pushed into academics too early, you will appreciate this article about the benefits of play on the learning brain. “Playful behavior appears to have positive effects on the brain and on a child’s ability to learn. In fact, play may function as an important, if not crucial, mode for learning.”
Will You Play with Me: a clear explanation of benefits of parents playing with their children, and in particular allowing their child to initiate play encounters.
“Mommy, You Are the Princess”: A new study published in the Journal of Infant and Child Development looked at the complexity of play in preschoolers when children play with their parents. The most complex play occurs when the child initiates the play.
Children May Be Playing, but Their Brains Are Working: types of play and what they do for kids’ cognitive development.